Sports field construction and maintenance

A Guide To Sports Field Construction And Maintenance To Create A Perfect Surface

When you’re constructing and maintaining sports fields, creating the perfect surface couldn’t be more important. Sports field construction and sports field renovation are specialist industries, and finding the right sports field contractors is essential to ensure that the job runs smoothly and produces the outcome you desire.

It isn’t too surprising that a sports field’s condition will have a significant impact on both the game and its players. Safety, traction, and speed can all be affected by the quality of the surface. Without the right approach to sports field construction and maintenance, players could end up experiencing injuries and their game may suffer.

For this reason, selecting the best sports field builders has a crucial part to play in the final result you achieve and here we take a closer look at why creating the perfect surface is so important as well as what kinds of construction and maintenance work will need to be carried out.

The Basics Of Sports Field Design Construction And Maintenance

Sports field construction companies like Edburton have the full range of skills and expertise necessary to build, renovate and maintain sports fields made with all kinds of different materials. There are various aspects involved in constructing sports fields, including earth moving, landscaping, and drainage.

Usually, earth moving and landscaping will be necessary to create the sports field itself, levelling the ground, laying turf or seeding the area, and stone burying. Drainage is also extremely important for sports fields, so choosing a company that can perform this element of turf field construction is also vital.

Even if you are renovating an existing sports field, it’s likely that you’ll require some help from sports field construction companies. Remodelling and re-levelling the site will need specialist skills and a drainage upgrade may also be necessary to keep the field in good condition.

The Types Of Materials Used For Modern Sports Fields

Many sports fields today have an artificial turf field construction, which is very durable and capable of withstanding plenty of wear and tear. As a low maintenance solution, artificial turf sports fields can save money and time in the long term, and they’re suitable for use all year round.

Another popular option is a turf or natural grass field which provides an excellent playing surface that gives players a better footing as well as being a safer choice. Although natural grass has an attractive feel and look, it can be harder to maintain since it requires ongoing upkeep and ongoing maintenance.

Clay sports fields are another possibility since they are durable and resistant to wear and tear as well as being fairly affordable and low maintenance. The downside of this field type is that it can be slippery to use in wet conditions, and compaction can be a problem over time leading to unevenness of the surface.

Whichever type of material you choose for your sports field, whether you opt for artificial turf, grass, clay, or any other surface such as sand or rubber, you’ll need to ensure that it is installed by a team of professionals and, when ongoing maintenance is necessary, that you select a skilled team to take on the task to ensure that it is performed correctly.

The Importance Of Maintenance

Natural grass certainly requires ongoing maintenance, but even artificial turf surfaces need to be cared for in the long term too. Without ongoing care, the field’s surface will deteriorate and will start to offer a substandard experience for players. It may even become a safety hazard.

Regular maintenance, such as grass cutting will be necessary for grass fields, while specialist maintenance such as decompaction and deep cleaning will need to be regularly performed on all types of surface by specialist contractors. From time to time, major maintenance work such as upgrades and repairs will also be necessary, and choosing the right professionals to undertake the job is key.

Proper maintenance is essential to improve the lifespan of your sports field and to slow down the process of surface degradation. Even more importantly, maintaining your sports field appropriately will also prevent players from sustaining any serious injuries.

Whatever your sports field is being used for, it couldn’t be more essential to first ensure that it is initially constructed correctly and to the highest possible standards, and then to make sure that it receives regular ongoing maintenance from professionals like the Edburton’s team to keep it in good condition in the long term.